Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bump and Grind 2013 quick report and photos.

I hadn't planned on doing Bump and Grind this year. I never really plan on doing it...or any XC race for that matter. I just don't like them very much so I quit doing them four or five years ago.

I had already made plans for the weekend, we were volunteering at the Magic City Brewfest Friday night and drinking all sorts of beer free on Saturday. Sunday would be a rest day.

I thought.

Pete texted me mid week to let me know I was signed up for the Singlespeed class on Sunday. Hm, no real backing out of that, in a matter of seconds I was committed. I knew Brewfest and racing were a poor combination but I didn't really see myself being competitive anyway so I did what I had planned and promised to drag myself out of bed Sunday morning no matter what.

I did exactly that.

I felt bad. My stomach was unhappy and didn't care much for any food Sunday morning. I drank a ton of water Saturday but free dark beer is a powerful thing and I was glad I hadn't set lofty race day goals. I had set some, I always do.

No crashing. Don't be last. Don't be a bitch and give up halfway through.

There was some Oak Ass chatter at the start line which was nice. During my brief pre ride I noticed a very steep grassy hill near the finish line with tape on each side of it. I had an inclination I would be riding up it and chose to think about other things.

Poor fitness or not, I went for the whole shot. Stewart got it and one other guy got by going into the singletrack. I rode in third spot for awhile. I never wear a heart monitor racing but knew I was already deep in an unsustainable pace but this might be the only time of the day I went fast so I continued to do so.

Singletrack was good, as were rocks. I was able to go fast on these. Uphill hurt and I went backwards every time. Before we got to the main fire road climb a couple more people got by and I felt the crampy twitchies settling in. Quads, hamstrings, calves. The cramps were not especially particular about what muscles they took over. I rode as slow as I could up the fire road.

It seemed very hot. No walking, I already knew what would happen. Someone would see me and never let me forget walking. I passed Mike Garner, nice to see him on a mountain bike.

I used my time across the top as recovery time. Stewart had flatted earlier and came past me with a train of geared people. This looked appealing but my legs were still in cramp mode. Pete passed me also. His day was going better than mine.

I began feeling better down the Bump trail and made some passes. The cramps subsided a bit and I was able to push hard again through the last five or ten miles. I began to make some more passes and felt good. I knew I was nowhere near a podium but slowing down seemed like cheating or poor sportsmanship. Something, I don't know...

Credit to uzelessknowledge

I came out of the Lake trail and saw the grassy death hill in front of me. It was worse than it looked. I got up it quick like. Down the other side and my day was done.

Nine minutes down on first and seventh place I think. Better than I expected or felt I guess. Thanks to the awesome volunteers and Pete for the hook up. I might have to come back and do this again once I have some fitness.

Here are some pics from the day.
Pro women champ. Pua

Wells leading Bishop up Jekyll
Omar Fraser did great in Pro field
Jerry Dufour on his way to Junior Expert win